Sarah Cole – Supercharged, Brighton

I got into dance music when I was quite young because my mum used to foster kids and we had this guy who lived in our house who was a proper raver – he wore white gloves and would go to Fantazia. I would sit in his room and he’d tell me all about it and we’d listen to his tapes. From then on I wanted to go to raves. The first event I went to, I think I was 13 and I went to see Carl Cox and that was that.


Staying independent, certainly as a promoter, is so hard. You can make money but you can lose it in a flash – and I do, constantly. I like hustling, I like the risk, I like the danger. I really care about what I do and I’ve met some amazing people. Being independent allows you to make changes, take chances and make mistakes. I’ve loved making mistakes because they’ve been the making of me. We’re gamblers and you can only really feel that excitement of the gamble when it’s your money on the line. I’ve had a lot of support from a lot of agents that have really helped me because they know that I’m committed. I love that and you only get that feeling from being on your own and winging it. You gain respect and ultimately you get the best feeling from that.
